Rev. Dr. Kathy Thomas McFadden

Rev. Dr. Kathy Thomas McFadden
Pastor and Presiding Elder
[ Read Bio ]

Rev. Maria Thomas

Rev. Maria Thomas
Associate Minister

Rev. Dr. Michael Bush

Rev. Dr. Michael Bush
Conference Evangelist

Donna Smith-Walker

Mrs. Donna Smith-Walker
Missionary Supervisor


Bishop Dwayne Anthony Walker

Bishop Dwayne Anthony Walker
Presiding Prelate Alabama Florida Episcopal District

Attorney Courtney W. Tarver

Attorney Courtney W. Tarver
Preacher Steward

Dr. George Thomas

Dr. George G. Thomas

Debbie Moore

Debbie Dean Moore
Director of Development

Darrian Stovall

Mr. Darrian Stovall
Minster of Music

Gerry Green

Mr. Gerry Green

Matt Clements

Matt Clements

Mr. Edmund and Mrs. Debbie Moore

Mr. Edmund and Mrs. Debbie Moore
AAACRHS Consortium Site Representatives

Attorney Courtney and Mrs. Carolyn Tarver

Attorney Courtney and Mrs. Carolyn Tarver
AAACRHS Consortium Site Representatives

Noland Satchell

Mr. Noland Satchell