
stained glass window

The Old Ship A.M.E. Zion Church, the oldest Black Church in the City of Montgomery,had its beginning With a frame build1ng 60 feet long by 45 feet wide with galleries on each side at the rear. The Court Street Methodist Church. south (now First United Methodist of Cloverdale), gave Black people of Montgomery and Vicinity this building in 1852. Resourceful Black slaves, Sol Brock, Solomon Hannon and Emanuel Noble, helped a freed Black contractor, Thomas Wilson, roll the church on logs to its present location of Holcome Street near Mildred Street.

It is reported that someone asked the men engaged in logging the church down the street. “What are you going to name the church?”  The answer was, ‘ The Old Ship of Zion,’ so it was named and the name “Old Ship Methodist Church” was incorporated on June 30, 1898. The build1ng was remodeled in 1888 and 1n 1918-1920, it was reconstructed 1n the classical revival style. For the first ten years, the Old Ship Church was served by white ministers and presiding elders (district superintendents).
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Sunday Morning Worship Services are held in-person and online via Facebook and YouTube.

Sunday School – 9:30 a.m.

Sunday Morning Worship (online and in-person) – 10:30 a.m.

Noonday Bible Study, Wednesday – 12:00 p.m.
Zoom Meeting ID: 897 3679 0534
Passcode: 528517


The mission of Old Ship African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church is to be an instrument of liberation for humanity through the salvation of Jesus Christ.

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The Staff of Old Ship African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church includes the Pastor, Presiding Prelate, Missionary Supervisor and Presiding Elder.

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Tours are scheduled by appointment only.
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Alabama African American Civil Rights Heritage Sites Consortium

The Alabama African American Civil Rights Heritage Sites Consortium, Inc. is a collaboration among 20 historic places of worship, lodging and civic engagement that played significant roles in the African American struggle for freedom. While recent history focuses on the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s, these institutions have been dedicated to improving the quality of Black life since Reconstruction.